Developing renewable, baseload power projects in Europe
We generate Energy From Rocks™
TerraThermo™ develops Renewable, Baseload Low Carbon Power Generation projects by deploying reservoir-independent Hot Dry Rock (“HDR”) technologies.
We deploy those technologies best suited for each GeoPower project and develop our own intellectual property associated with HDR GeoPower generation projects.
The Earth’s crust is only 1% of the planet’s radius and volume, so Hot Dry Rocks are remarkably close to the surface in many parts of Europe. Even with current mechanical drilling technologies, this deep heat resource is readily accessible at depths of less than 5km in sedimentary basins.
3D model of the Earth with temperature variations in the cross sections: Dark is cold, sinking material at about 1000 degrees Celsius; Light is hot, rising material at up to 3000 degrees Celsius.
Credit: University of Oxford, Dr. Paula Koelemeijer PhD / GPlates
Hot Dry Rocks are present in the subsurface because of elevated heat flows from beneath the Earth’s crust.
Mapping of this heat flow distribution allows determination of temperature anomalies and exploration for HDR geothermal resources.
Surface heat flow rate map for Europe extracted from the Atlas of Geothermal Resources in Europe.
Integrated GeoPower Systems™
For each GeoPower project we undertake an Integrated GeoPower Systems™ analysis that allows us to deliver the optimum combination of surface production facilities and subsurface heat extraction technologies to maximise power output and life-of-field.
Our Integrated GeoPower Systems™ analysis workflow includes:
Basin and Play Fairway analysis
Geological and Geophysical interpretation and analysis
Integration with Airborne Full Tensor Gravimetric surveys
Static 3D structural, reservoir and heat flow models
Heat Resource and Reserve estimates
Assessment of induced seismicity risks
Thermal modelling and analysis
Single, doublet or triplet borehole modelling
Borehole design and drilling risks assessment
ORC plant components & power output modelling
Grid connections, environmental restrictions and planning requirements.
For Projekt THERMO in Lower Saxony, Germany, we are deploying proven technologies mostly transitioned from the Oil & Gas industry to develop this first-of-a-kind 12MWe baseload power generation project.
Scalable from micro-grids to dedicated industrial baseload power supply
Unlike hydrothermal geothermal project developers, we do not require subsurface reservoirs so our GeoPower projects are largely independent of geological constraints.
Our GeoPower plants are scalable to provide local green power supplies in modular power stations from an installed capacity of 1MWe to large scale industrial baseload power supplies in 50 MWe modules and more.
We can offer co-location of renewables power generation to convert existing Ground PV, Onshore Wind and Thermal Power Plants into integrated and scalable baseload renewable power generation plants.
Hot Dry Rock technologies can meet a wide range of green power generation requirements
Energy Suppliers
Baseload grid support
Variable arbitrage
Conversion of coal and thermal plants
Ground PV
Variable arbitrage
Convert to baseload power plant
Data Centres
Baseload 24/7/365 green power supplies
Provide heating, cooling and power
Dedicated or Virtual GeoPower plants
Wind Farms
Variable arbitrage
Convert to baseload power plant
Geothermal Operators
Converting underperforming or failed hydrothermal/EGS wells if brine flow rates or temperatures not achieved
Oil & Gas Operators
Repurpose end-of-life wells to storage
Delay abandonment
Decarbonise power supply for operations
How do the different Hot Dry Rock technologies harvest heat and power from the Earth?
Unlike conventional hydrothermal technologies, HDR geothermal technologies do not require a reservoir with porosity and permeability that is sufficient to flow geothermal brines. Instead, they rely on upon either:
Conduction of heat energy from the surrounding formation into a working fluid in the borehole through a closed-loop system; or…
Illustration of HDR technologies that rely upon heat energy convection from brine flowing through fractures in surrounding rock formations between two boreholes.
Extraction of heat energy by brines flowing through natural fractures or fractures created by stimulation between two boreholes; or…
Illustration of closed-loop HDR technologies that rely upon heat energy conduction from surrounding rock formations.
Extraction of heat energy by brines flowing through deformable fractures in hot rock formations near single boreholes.
Illustration of HDR technologies that rely upon heat energy transfer from brine flowing through stimulated fractures in surrounding rock formations near a single borehole.
Sustainable & Secure
We provide green power production that is more sustainable and raw material-secure than any other renewable power generation system.
We do not rely on critical materials necessary for other renewable energy generation systems.