Whistleblowing Statement
TerraThermo Limited (“TerraThermo” or the “Company”) is committed to doing business in an honest and ethical manner. We require all of our directors, officers, employees, contractors and partners to observe high standards of business conduct and ethics, as well as full compliance with all applicable government laws, rules and regulations, reporting and accounting practices.
We encourage our people to speak up if they are concerned about any inappropriate, illegal or corrupt behaviour in relation to our activities, as well as any actions that are, or could be, harmful to our business or stakeholders. To this end, we have established a Whistleblowing process, which offers protection for people who report genuine concerns of misconduct, ensuring that such people are without fear of intimidation, disadvantage or reprisal. Our people can ask for their concerns to be treated in confidence and such wishes will be respected.
We are committed to investigating all reported possible or actual incidents of misconduct, and will take appropriate action, up to and including, terminating contracts of staff and suppliers. We will disclose annually the number of such cases reported.
In order to identify and address wrongdoing as early as possible, we encourage our people to discuss and report their concerns to their direct manager or supervisor as soon as any suspicion of misconduct arises. If they feel unable to raise the concern with their direct manager or supervisor, they should inform a member of the Executive team or Director of the company.
If there is evidence of criminal activity then the investigating officer should inform the police and we will ensure that any internal investigation does not hinder a formal police investigation.
Persons who have raised concerns internally will be informed of who is handling the matter; how they can make contact with that person; and if there is any further assistance required. We will give as much feedback as possible without any infringement on a duty of confidence owed to someone else.
We are currently developing a detailed Whistleblowing Policy document in conjunction with an Anti-bribery and Anti-Corruption policy and a Code of Conduct. All policies will be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they remain effective and are aligned with best practice standards.